Consent Mode is creating attribution challenges

Seeing strange spikes in Google Analytics lately?

You’re not alone.

Are you lately also seeing strange spikes in Google Analytics, like unassigned traffic or “not set”?

Recent changes from Google, especially around “Consent Mode”, are creating attribution challenges for many businesses using GA4.

What’s going on? Google’s adjustments to Consent Mode handling – particularly the need to properly account for consent updates – have caused a significant impact on session attribution. This has led to:

  • CPC traffic being incorrectly attributed to organic campaigns
  • Google/CPC traffic showing up as Google/organic (particularly in single-page apps).

This is leaving marketing teams with messy, inaccurate data, making it harder to get a clear picture of where traffic is really coming from.

How we’re solving it

Fortunately, we’ve already implemented a solution using Dataform that corrects these issues. Our approach ensures that all consent data is handled properly, giving our clients accurate session attribution data again.

If you’re struggling with GA4 data accuracy issues too, and you need a reliable solution, we’ve got it covered for you.

Whatever your challenge is, we are here to help you regain control over your campaign insights and data accuracy.

More To Explore

Consent Mode is creating attribution challenges

Seeing strange spikes in Google Analytics lately? You’re not alone. Are you lately also seeing strange spikes in Google Analytics, like unassigned traffic or “not